Finding ways to support independent publishing..

The last 6 months have been spent tearing apart Jack’s house, selecting items, photographing and scanning those materials, cleaning, cropping and preparing them and finally laying out the images on pages along with story written by Jack Whyte.
You might be wondering what all the fuss is about, but we promise its for a good cause.
Jack’s life as an artist encompasses so much more than his own experiences. His story is part of Canadian history, as you’ll see in his art, which for over 40 years has captured and presented Canadian life like never before.
We’re excited to announce that those 6 months of intensive work have resulted in something beautiful that we’d like to share with you.
Posted by Ashley Whyte on Friday, July 10, 2015
breaking news canadian art canadian artists canadian history crowdfunding digital books ebooks fundraising hardcover headlines independent innovation jack whyte newspaper printed books publishing story of art
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