Tag: history

Artful Publishing

manitoulin island ontario canada great lakes huron coral fossils history adult coloring books

A look into Manitoulin’s past..

Manitoulin Island was once a very different place. The escarpments that we’ve come to know as being high above water, were once covered in shallow ocean, making for beautiful coral reefs. Over time as climate and the environment changed, water levels receded and after hundreds of millions of years, we now have bluffs that are…
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October 17, 2017 0
manitoulin coloring book canada day 150th celebrations gore bay ontario canada

Happy Canada Day!

Celebrating 150 years of growth! But if that makes you feel old… Go ahead and grab a copy of the Manitoulin Colouring Book and be a kid again! The #ManitoulinColouringBook can help restore your inner child and youthful energy! This proven stress reliever provides… Posted by Whytes on Wednesday, August 2, 2017

July 1, 2017 0
manitouling coloring book kids canada ontario publishing

Manitoulin Colouring Book provides destination marketing for island

We just launched! <3 Check it out! We're in the paper! 😀 #WhytesUpdates Posted by Whytes on Friday, June 30, 2017

June 30, 2017 0
jack and dylon podcast whytes tv manitoulin coloring books publication

Happy New Year!

Have you checked out Jack and Dylon’s latest project? It’s a series of podcasts that you can follow via Facebook or Youtube. In each episode they introduce a world of lost and forgotten postcards, along with the stories, messages and lives of those who sent them. Occasionally they talk about books they’ve created, including updates…
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January 17, 2017 0