Volume 4 Coming Soon!
We’re excited to announce that copies of the 2019 Manitoulin Colouring Book will be available in-stores across the island July 1st!
We’re excited to announce that copies of the 2019 Manitoulin Colouring Book will be available in-stores across the island July 1st!
Volume 4 of our ongoing publication is fast in the works for 2019. The book continues to honour the world’s largest freshwater island by featuring an array of experiences that visitors come to enjoy. Included in this year’s line up of images are some historical works by Jack Whyte, who is the creator behind the…
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Jack Whyte was an iconic local artist from Gore Bay; he was also a friend, father and mentor to many. His art, which was a gift to the world, and the love of creation that he passed on to others will continue to brighten our hearts and homes now that he is gone. Jack’s first…
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Congratulations to Gail Pollett on winning a free copy of the Manitoulin Colouring Book volume 3!! Hope everyone had a fantastic long weekend and Happy Canada Day!
Visit our Facebook page to enter our draw for a free giveaway of the Manitoulin Colouring Book volume 3! We’ll be selecting the winner on July 1st at 11am in Little Current during our Canada Day celebrations! If you’re in town, come by and say hello! We’ll be the flashy table with a bright colourful…
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It’s preview time! Here’s a look at our latest 2018 Manitoulin Colouring Book. You can look forward to a whole new set of Island scenery and experiences in volume 3. Available in-stores July 1st. Stay tuned for a list of retailers near you!
We’re excited to say that illustrations for Volume 3 of the Manitoulin Colouring Book are now complete! Files have been sent off to our printer, OJ Graphix in Espanola, Ontario and we are awaiting a proof copy to confirm we are ready to order books. We always create a mock up off our own printer…
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It’s been a while since we posted an update, so it must be time! Winter on Manitoulin Island seems to have lasted forever this year, but what better way to spend cold, blowy and snowy days than to bundle up at the computer and draw. Each year we do our best to put together a…
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EXCITING NEWS!! We want you to be part of the 2018 Manitoulin Colouring Book! Be part of the 2018 Manitoulin Colouring Book! EXCITING NEWS!! – Please share :)I'm working on the next Manitoulin Colouring Book for 2018 and I'm inviting YOU to be part of it!Send me photos of your favourite Manitoulin moments for a…
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Spending time with family is what Christmas is all about. That’s why the best kind of gift is one that brings people together. Inspiring stories about places we love and the people we cherish is how the Manitoulin Colouring Book transforms holiday stress into happy memories.
The M.S. Chi-Cheemaun rests at port for the winter but she continues to sail with flying colours in the Manitoulin Colouring Book. Check out this AMAZING page from the Manitoulin Colouring Book!! Thank you Shannon Huard for sharing! #ManitoulinLove #MCB2017 M.S. Chi-Cheemaun Chi-Cheemaun @ ontarioferries Posted by Whytes on Monday, November 6, 2017
Our condolences go out to the Smiths with the passing of Phyllis, wife and life-long partner of Doug Smith. Our condolences go out to the Smiths with the passing of Phyllis – wife and life-long partner of Doug Smith. A kind and… Posted by Whytes on Thursday, October 19, 2017
Manitoulin Island was once a very different place. The escarpments that we’ve come to know as being high above water, were once covered in shallow ocean, making for beautiful coral reefs. Over time as climate and the environment changed, water levels receded and after hundreds of millions of years, we now have bluffs that are…
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The world of adult colouring has exploded and along with it, the selection of pens, markers and pencils that can be used to colour with. We’re big fans of Crayola Super Tips, but we also enjoy experimenting with new mediums. What do you like to use? Posted by Whytes on Friday, September 29, 2017
We’re at Chapters in Sudbury all day from 11am – 3pm! We’re signing books and COLOURING so come join the fun! Posted by Ashley Whyte on Saturday, September 9, 2017 UPDATE: Somebody’s gonna need new pencil crayons! Another happy Manitoulin Colouring Book owner! Posted by Whytes on Saturday, September 9, 2017
We love seeing what artwork turns into when you add colour to it. Pretty! Tag your coloured pictures with #ManitoulinLove so we can see your beautiful work! Posted by Whytes on Friday, September 8, 2017
When we get the opportunity to help out a friend and learn how to do something new at the same time, we just can’t say no! This is a screenshot of our progress in editing the first cut of “Taxi Song”, written by Kris Rose a.k.a. Wordplay. We spent close to twelve hours filming in…
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Decided we’d give it a try this year! Pretty exciting! Posted by Whytes on Friday, August 18, 2017
Sometimes you just have get colouring! Based on a true story Do you feel this way? Posted by Whytes on Thursday, August 17, 2017
If you don’t know what Haweater means, let us share some history with you. Haweater is a culmination of two words. “Haw” is derived from the fruit of hawthorn bushes known as “haws” or “hawberries” and “eater” is as it intends. These berries were originally harvested for consumption by Indigenous peoples in the Manitoulin region…
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